Friday, January 28, 2011

Singing? Dancing?

AH-HA! It’s me again! Surprise!!

Sorry ppl for not updating in a while again.

Devil angel pop out from my left side: It’s too late to apologize!

Angelic angel pop out from right side: Har… SIA MI?? MAI ANI LA.. Forgiveness is more than saying sorry.  

Devil angel: What? idiot! I’m singing the song “It’s too late to apologize”. What r u talking about?

Angelic angel: Oh, really? But I’m also singing a song call Forgiveness is more than saying sorry also ma. IDIOT BACK! What r u talking about? Beh-paiseh.. U want a piece of me? <<Britney song again>> I no cari pasal oh.. You can’t touch this. <<MC HAMMER>>

Lame conversation ended. HAHA

Yeah So, lately have you guys found out movies with singing have become very popular nowadays?

Like Glee, Muscial High School, Disney cartoons and etc etc. Maybe all these are copied from Bollywood Style? You notice how Indian movies always sing and dance along in almost every part from starting till end? Everything is so sudden and busy. First, it was the talking then suddenly they started to sing and dance. OK, that is acceptable. But somehow they were supposed to be singing and dancing in a grassy flowery field and chasing each other happily like playing MU YING ZHUA XIAO CHI? *eagles chasing little chicks* hahaha.. translation FAIL! Anyway, while chasing out of nowhere the scenery turned into a beach. How that is suppose to happen?? Maybe they have super-natural power? OMG!!! We should envy Indians cause other races can’t do that. Yee-ha!! Start treating your Indian friends better. Maybe one day, they will tell us their secrets. MM..

So what if one day, everyone really starts singing and dancing to communicate with one and another? Would you say it’s awkward? It’s awesome? It’s amphibian? HAHAHA.. Trying to get all the A’s word.. can’t think of others  anymore..Sorry, dictionary too small. Lousy vocabulary. xD

But if it really happens.. then it will be so damn weird lo.. Everything sing and dance.

So the role play should go like this:

So you see a pretty lady walking down the street.

You: Pretty woman, walking down the street.. Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet.

Pretty lady: Yo I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want.. <<Spice girls- Wannabe>>

You: I’m too sexy for my love too sexy for my love. Love’s going to leave me <<Right Said Fred- I’m Too Sexy>>

Pretty lady: F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for You and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all. <<Spongebob- F.U.N>>

You: Wait… I don’t understand… I feel all tingly inside. Should we stop?

Pretty lady: No! That’s how you’re supposed to feel!

You: Well I like it! Lets do it again!

Pretty lady: Okay!

Basically its like this la. Maybe we can try it with our friends one day. I bet it will be FUN! HAHA

Ok, I end here frist.

Bye bye <3

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